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Women Holding Hands

What We Do

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As an advocate for women’s rights that are, in fact, human rights, Zonta is committed to treating everyone with equal respect and cannot tolerate discrimination.


No person should be disadvantaged, let alone be a victim of violence, because of her/his gender, skin color, ethnicity or any other reason. Instead, everyone should have the same opportunities to develop their full potential.


We acknowledge that, in order to overcome discrimination of any kind, we need to sharpen our awareness of unconscious biases that affect our individual actions and advocate for laws and policies that ensure equal rights and opportunities for all people.


The diversity of our global organization is a strength we will build on every day on the path to gender equality. Our 28,000+ members from 63 countries join with others to make this world a better place for all.

Service & Advocacy

Learn more about how we're involved in the Billings community.​



Empowering Women

We are committed to empower women in our community in all that we do.


Each year in March, the Zonta Club of Billings honors outstanding women who work to empower and uplift others in our community. This celebration is held at the Hilands Golf Club.


These women in our community work tirelessly and contribute to ending violence against women, through their jobs and/or volunteer work.

The Zonta Club of Billings empowers women through Service and Advocacy. Zonta provides service to the community through domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy and awareness, grants for community agencies, scholarships for students and volunteer labor for local non-profit organizations. 



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16 Days of Activism

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Each year Zonta Club of Billings participates in an international campaign to SayNo to violence against women and girls around the world.


16 Days of Activism runs every year from November 25th-December 10th and is an international effort to eradicate the exploitation and abuse against women and girls.


As part of our annual '16 Days' Zonta Club of Billings attends city and county meeting to pass a proclamation declaring and end to gender based violence.


You can find out more about 16 Days of Activism by contacting us or visiting:


Interested in joining our #ZontaSaysNo campaign? We are happy to provide you all the info and design filed you need! Contact us today!

Trivia Fundraiser


28th Annual Trivia Night Fundraiser  

$240 per table, 8 players maximum

February 1, 2025

at the

Montana Pavilion, Metra Park


5:00pm - Social Hour

6:00pm - Trivia Begins



For the 28th year, the Zonta Club of Billings will host Trivia Night.


The game includes 8 rounds of 10 questions. The​ First Place winner receives $600 with Second and Third Place earning gift baskets. Other prizes include Door Prizes, 50/50 Raffle and Fact or Fiction.  A Silent Auction provides funds to help build a better world for women and girls.


You can donate an item or give a cash donation. Major sponsors will receive advertising on our website and Facebook page.​


Contact us at for more information about becoming a TRIVIA sponsor!


Thank you to our 2024 Zonta Trivia Sponsors and Community Partners for a successful event.​​

Community Advocacy

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The Zonta Club of Billings regularly participates, sponsors and presents films and anti-trafficking forums, in an effort to raise the status of women and combat the violence that results from sex trafficking. 

There is rising public awareness about the problems which come with the I-90 corridor and increased population in Billings.  


Legislative efforts continue to be discussed as well as existing resources to address the multiple layers of the issue of the commercial sexual exploitation of women and girls.  The work identifies  gaps in services and resources to address this issue.  

Art Programs

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Zonta Club of Billings participates in community art projects like:


ArtWalk Billings

Artful Women at the Library

MMIP (Missing & Murdered Indigenous Persons)


The Zonta Club of Billings has been working on addressing the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) crisis in Montana for three years now. Projects undertaken to address this prolific issue include the REDress Project, an annual MMIP March, and participation in various national and international awareness raising events such as Zonta inter-district conferences and Zonta International webinars.


The Zonta Club of Billings partners with the Montana Native Women's Coalition on all their MMIP related work, as well as other prominent community leaders and activists. If you are interested in learning more about MMIP or joining our efforts to reduce the prevalence of MMIP in our region, please contact us.

Self Defense

Woman doing Self Defense

Zonta volunteers with the FAST Free Self Defense class offered in partnership with Shepherd Warrior Martial Arts.

Status of Women


Each year in March, the Zonta Club of Billings honors outstanding women who work to empower and uplift others in our community. This celebration is held at the Highlands Golf Club.


These women in our community work tirelessly and contribute to ending violence against women, through their jobs and/or volunteer work.


Zonta International’s nearly 1,200 clubs, in 65 countries, are participating in efforts within their local communities to raise awareness and increase actions to end violence against women and girls, around the world.


Ending violence against women and girls starts in our own community.  Zonta Club of Billings is a group of 45 women belonging to and international organization of 30,000 members.  Together we seek an end to violence through activism, education and empowerment.


We feel it is important to honor other women in our community who are dedicated to saving and changing lives and empowering women and girls through their programs, careers and volunteerism.

Red Sand Project


Red Sand Project Billings: A Human Trafficking Awareness Project.


Red Sand Events distribute Red Sand to spread in sidewalk cracks throughout Montana to bring awareness to people society has allowed to 'fall through the cracks.' Human Trafficking is an epidemic in our country and exists in every state including Montana. 


U.S. law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor or services against his or her will. The one exception involves minors and commercial sex. Inducing a minor into commercial sex is considered human trafficking regardless of the presence of force, fraud or coercion.


Human trafficking is a $150 Billion business and the average age of a person first trafficked is 12 years old. Zonta Clubs worldwide are working to fight Human Trafficking. Zonta International "envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.


In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence."


Watch for Red Sand Projects and Events bringing Red Sand, speakers, survivors, victim service information and more to you.


For Red Sand Projects happening in Yellowstone County and the areas of Montana, check out Human Trafficking in Yellowstone's Facebook page.

Community Service


Zonta Club of Billings participates in community service through our own programs and by partnering with local organizations like:



Angela's Piazza

Friendship House of Billings

Passages/Alternatives, Inc. Pre-Release Center

Gateway Vista


High Plains Book Awards

Holding Books

Zonta Club of Billings partners annually with the High Plains Book Awards as a sponsor. 


The Billings Public Library Board established the High Plains Book Awards to recognize regional literary works which examine and reflect life on the High Plains, including the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.


Learn more about High Plains Book Awards!


ZONTA ConverZations

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In an increasingly divisive society, what would it be like to hold civil conversations in our own families and communities? How can we create space for people to come together and have these conversations? Join our dynamic and informative conversation hosts to learn skills for having respectful conversations that clarify differences, search for common ground, and affirm the importance of relationships.


Dynamic and insightful conversation hosts lead an evening of fine dining for respectful conversations on current topics.

Thanks for Submitting!

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Zonta Club of Billings

PO BOX 1064

Billings, MT 59103



© 2024 Zonta Club of Billings


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